Did I mention that I’m doing a webinar for the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project November 3rd? It’s going to be on the health consequences of IPV, and it’ll be held from 3-4:30pm ET. As with all offerings from this project, CEUs and CMEs are available. Click through for details about the webinar and our live 3-day IPV course for clinicians:
Tag: strangulation
Touch DNA
SAFEta has an upcoming webinar on touch DNA. The session will be held October 8th from 2-3:30pm ET. Click through for details:
Domestic Violence Case Review
The Tribal Forensic Healthcare project has an upcoming webinar, Domestic Violence Case Review. The session will be held August 28th from 3-4:30 ET. Kim Nash is the featured presenter and CEUs/CMEs are available. Click through for details: