Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 11-10-14

A good Monday morning to you all–I trust you had a fine weekend? This was really the 1st actual weekend Sasha and I had together in quite sometime, uninterrupted by travel or Reserve duty. We really got a chance to enjoy ourselves, too: spent a little time getting fancy and heading into the District for SANE In the City, the DC SANE program’s fundraiser (they’re finally building their own exam room). Congrats on a successful event!

I’m actually home this week, but gearing up for our next IPV course in Phoenix on the 17th (hope to see many of you there, since we have a pretty big group registered); that’s where most of my efforts will be spent over the next several days. But before I get too immersed in all of that, here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:


New Blog Post on #SANEsustainability

Hey, I’ve got a new blog post over at NSVRC on the SANE Sustainability app–this time focusing on the Leadership section of the app (and everyone’s favorite issues: recruitment and retention). I hope you’ll check it out!

Sexual Assault Uncategorized

#SANEsustainability: The SANE Sustainability App is Here!

Screen Shot 2014-10-20 at 8.26.55 AMI am so excited to announce that the {free} SANE Sustainability app for iPhone and iPad is now available! This is a joint project of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and IAFN, and the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of work. I really hope people will find it a helpful tool for managing SANE programs, with a wide variety of information focusing on issues like recruitment and retention, leadership, program expansion and more. I have a blog post on the NSVRC sustainability site introducing the app and its various components, so I encourage you to check it out. Click through for details on how to download the app (and how to obtain {most} of the information if you’re not an iPhone or iPad user):

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Health Impact of Intimate Partner Violence (+ Live IPV Course)

Did I mention that I’m doing a webinar for the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project November 3rd? It’s going to be on the health consequences of IPV, and it’ll be held from 3-4:30pm ET. As with all offerings from this project, CEUs and CMEs are available. Click through for details about the webinar and our live 3-day IPV course for clinicians:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 10-6-14

Good weekend, yes? Aside from some minor tech failure (hello, brand new router), it was pretty lovely on this end. So I’m slogging away this week, trying to just remember, bird by bird. Occasionally procrastinating with the interwebs, but working my way through the long to-do list. Want to see what I’ve been reading since last we spoke?

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 9-29-14

Let me start by saying that I absolutely loved all the personal notes people sent me about last week’s post. Apparently it resonated with many of you, and I really enjoyed hearing the different perspectives on the topic. Also–we’ve just put the finishing touches on a big new project I should be able to announce in the next 10 days or so (fingers crossed), so stay tuned. It’s something we’ll definitely be talking about in Phoenix next month. Speaking of which: anyone else scrambling to get their presentations finished? We’re finalizing a couple brand new sessions for this year’s conference, so that’s part of my week right there. But before we get too far into my to-do list, let’s chat about what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:


On Setting Limits

I feel like I could give an entire talk on the subject of setting limits. It’s particularly relevant today, because it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and I am working. In fact, I don’t know when the last time was that I took the High Holidays off. When you work for yourself, the reality is that you could simply always be working. What’s more, I really love the work I do. But taking care of yourself is not optional. And for me that means setting limits.


Mastering Difficult Conversations: Tips and Tools

Here’s a fascinating webinar that’s coming up (and it’s free, and many of these business webinars are distinctly not)–Mastering Difficult Conversations: Tips and Tools from a Former FBI Hostage Negotiation Trainer. I post this here because it’s exactly the kind of session from which program managers may benefit–click through for all of the details:


Worthwhile Read: Modeling Trauma Informed Practice

My friend Sally tweeted this resource out and I thought it was worth sharing here. It’s a brief piece called Walking the Walk: Modeling Trauma Informed Practice In the Training Environment (PDF). I’m still chewing on this a bit, but I think there are great ideas here. And the intent behind it is an important one:

One of the key components of building organizational capacity for trauma informed practice is professional development. Staff needs training to gain basic understanding about trauma, its prevalence and impact on individuals, families, communities and organizations; what it means to be trauma informed; and specific skills and techniques for providing services in a trauma informed manner. It is not enough, however, to just “inform” professionals about trauma in our efforts to establish a trauma informed workforce. It is essential that in the process of providing professional development and workforce training we imbed and model principles of trauma informed practice in the training environment.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 9-8-14

I woke up this morning at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, very far from home and decidedly still on east coast time. I’ll be here for a hot minute before I move on to Billings, MT where we are rolling out a brand new IPV curriculum (super excited about that), so this week is a long one. I will attempt regular posts, but forgive me if they’re a bit light this week. You just never know how a new course will go. This weekend consisted of a lot of prep, but there was still plenty of distraction–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 7-28-14

Today is my sweet kid’s 13th birthday, so I am officially the parent of a teenager. I have no idea how that happened. A minute ago she was a newborn and now she’s this funny, interesting, incredibly smart kid who makes me proud every day. Naturally we spent the weekend celebrating (ziplining and dim sum, anyone?) and gorging on homemade Hostess-type treats (my spouse whipped up Twinkies, Ho-Hos and Cupcakes complete with squiggly frosting). Pretty much the only thing I could do after the weekend calorie bombardment was to loll around last night and surf my social media sites. Which is what I did. Here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Coalition-Sponsored Webinars

If you aren’t looking to your state anti-violence coalitions for continuing education, you’re missing some great opportunities. State coalitions do a lot of training, and many are putting on webinars and online courses that have relevance far beyond their state’s borders. Click through for some of the upcoming events, and feel free to add others in the comments (I’ll take those outside the US, too, please):


Crucial Skills for Confronting the Workplace Bully

Sadly, I hear about workplace bullying with some frequency when it comes to discussions about sustainability. Nurses are all too familiar with bullying behavior, but what to do about it is something we don’t often discuss. So I was pleased to see this announcement for a free webcast by the author of Crucial Accountability on skills for confronting the workplace bully. The session will be held June 25th at 1pm ET. Click through for details:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-9-14

I spent more time plugged in this weekend than I should have. When you work for yourself it is so easy to let the left and right limits of your work day week bleed into one another. Or disappear altogether. Either way, too much time looking at a screen. Gotta work on that whole self-care thing. Either way, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:


Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

I’m teaching all day today, so there’s not a lot of time for a lengthy post. But I came across this new TED talk and realized I hadn’t posted one in a while, so for your viewing pleasure, a really thought-provoking talk on leadership:


“Leadership is a choice. It is not a rank.” Awesome.


Full-Text Friday: Nursing Is Not a Lesser Included Profession

I am on my way to Argentina, but wanted to leave you with a new full-text post before I jet off. This week’s offering is actually a law review article, and I post it because it’s an important perspective from the legal profession about a conversation we should be having more of (or really, just having since I don’t know that I’ve ever heard the topic mentioned in any formal way). Click through for details:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4-14-14

This is my last full week in the office before vacation, save some work with the Army JAGs here in town, so I am glued to my to-do list. That being said I did manage to get some reading done this weekend (although the pull of 70+ degree weather and sunshine was irresistible), but much of it had to do with the terrible tragedy in Kansas yesterday. I know it will be part of our conversation around the Seder table tonight as we celebrate Passover, keeping the victims and their families and community in our prayers. A happy Pesach to all of you who observe. Click tghrough to check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/17/14

Sorry to have been absent so much last week–the one-two punch of a difficult trial and an epic migraine made the latter half of last week challenging (I have a string of four-letter expletives that’s probably more accurate and descriptive, but we’ll stick with challenging for now). However, my kid is in town and we are heading to my happy place this week (Eagle, CO) for some family time. Posts should be regular–I’m stacking them in advance, and I’ll periodically check emails if you’re looking for me. But don’t expect responses during prime ski hours. I’ll be busy:)

Speaking of vacations, in an unprecedented move I am taking time off during two consecutive months, and need some input from my well-traveled readers. Next month, my best friend and I are heading to Argentina–Buenos Aires and Mendoza specifically. If anyone has some ideas for must-see/eat/stay places, please do let me know. Off the beaten path is particularly appealing. This will be my 1st trip to South America, so I’m pretty stoked.

Anyway, let’s get back to the matter at hand–a little taste of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:


Don’t Be Nice, Be Kind

I’m not much for resolutions, but this is a piece that used to hang in my old home office (and now still hangs virtually in my Evernote box) that never seems to lose its impact. I don’t remember who initially introduced me to it, but it never stops resonating with me. It seems like a good time to share it with all of you.