Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Links Between Sexual Abuse & Online Sexual Behaviors of Adolescents

The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape will be hosting a webinar on the links between sexual abuse and online sexual behaviors of adolescents, May 13th, 10:00-12:00 ET. Participation is free, but preregistration is required. Jennifer Lee from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will be the featured presenter.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Articles of Note: April Edition

Time for April’s Articles of Note. All of these are from the late March/April/May issues and electronic previews. As always, please keep in mind this in no way a comprehensive list; simply items that have caught my attention from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Links lead to PubMed abstracts; from there you can choose what’s worth a.) paying for; b.) a pilgrimage to your nearest medical library;  or c.) downloading via the full-text access you possibly have at your disposal.


LGBTQ Crime Victims

I’m remiss in not getting this posted last week, but it’s been flagged and in my pile, so I knew I’d get it up here one of these days. My memory was jogged by a related resource newly released, though. So now we’ll make this a tandem event. NCVC and the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs published a joint study on LGBTQ crime victims, Why It Matters: Rethinking Victim Assistance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Victims (PDF). It’s available as a free download, and addresses, among other things, LGBTQ intimate partner violence. Worth a read.


Social Media Question

I had a note show up in my inbox today about using social media. Specifically, I was asked the following: “My program coordinator strongly discourages being on Facebook and believes we shouldn’t use it if we are going to practice in this field. Thoughts?” Yeah, I have a couple…

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault & Sexual Trauma in the Military

Don’t forget about latest $50 giveaway in honor of SAAM. To enter just let us know in the original post’s Comments section how you commemorated any day during SAAM, and one inspiring aspect of the day or the event you attended. You have until May 4th to be eligible.

The Department of Defense’s Center of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury will be hosting a webinar on sexual assault and sexual trauma in the military. The webinar will be held April 22 from 1-2:30pm ET.

Sexual Assault

Intersections of Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking

The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault is hosting a webinar April 7th: the Intersections of Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking (apologies for the late notice–I just caught wind of it). The webinar will begin at noon (MDT) and last for an hour. Registration can be completed here.

Sexual Assault

Weekly Wrap-Up @ the Sustainability Site

I’m so happy to be able to return with a wrap up from the sustainability site. Feels like it’s been too long, but with all the travel, it sometimes gets the short straw. Aside from a brief mention of our current giveaway, this week also featured:

It’s spring here in the 216 and I am hoping to get some quality time outdoors in the next week. After that I begin the great Spring Midwest Tour of 2010. WY, IN and ND readers, hopefully I will be seeing some of you in the course of my travels.
For all of you who celebrate, have a happy Easter; my family and I will be taking advantage of everyone being in town to (finally) hold a Seder on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend, whatever your plans! And check back next week for our April installment of Articles of Note…

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and here at FHO, we’re pretty interested in what you’re doing in your own communities to commemorate the month, or the specific Day of Action, April 20th. Leave a response here to this two-part request (both parts must be answered to be eligible) and one random reader will receive a $50 gift card:


Enhancing Written Communications to Address Health Literacy

I know health literacy and written communication is not the sexiest topic in the world. But here at FHO, we’re pretty committed to making sure all of our patients receive the highest quality, targeted healthcare services. This means that when we’re discharging patients, they receive materials that allow them to best understand how to care for themselves once they leave our charge. That’s part of what separates us from forensic evidence techs, after all.


In my Inbox: Health Reform & DV

Like many of you, I get a ridiculous amount of email. Much of it gets deleted without reading (not the mail from individuals, but the updates from organizations and agencies, which are often sacrificed for the sake of simply managing my workload). However, I try to always at least skim the mail from the Family Violence Prevention Fund. Which I did this morning, sipping jasmine tea and actively procrastinating completing a few expense forms that need to get done.

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Hey, Canada…

Check out your page for new info…Thanks, Sheila!

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Financial Cost of Child Abuse

I received an email from a reader asking me to please post information about the financial cost of child abuse in the US. I’m happy to be able to post some relatively recent publications on the topic, the most specific being Prevent Child Abuse America’s 2007 report, Total Estimated Cost of Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: An Economic Impact Study (PDF). (UPDATE: Click through for more current resources)


Domestic Violence: Recognizing & Responding to Victims & Perpetrators in the Health Care Setting

The University of Washington’s School of Nursing has created an online course for healthcare providers: Domestic Violence (DV): Recognizing and Responding to Victims and Perpetrators in the Health Care Setting. There are 2 modules–one on recognizing and responding to perpetrators, the other focused on victims. Modules are $10 a piece, and award 1 CEU each.

Sexual Assault

SAAM Day of Action & Giveaway

April 20th is Sexual Assault Awareness Month’s Day of Action. This year’s theme is preventing sexual violence on our campuses. Hopefully you have thought about how you would like to commemorate this day, but if you haven’t, NSVRC has some fantastic suggestions for you. Although it’s just under a month away, there’s still time to make this day impactful. I would really love to see clinicians participating in some way, because prevention is a critical part of our role.

Sexual Assault

Monitoring Progress & Evaluating Success for SARTs

MNCASA‘s Sexual Violence Justice Institute is hosting the last of a 4-part series on the SART Protocol Development Cycle, Monday April 26th at 12pm CT: Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Success for SARTs and Other Multidisciplinary Teams Responding to Sexual Violence. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.


Traumatic Brain Injury & DV

VAWNet released a new collection today on traumatic brain injury and domestic violence. “It provides advocates and other professionals with tools to screen for TBI within the context of domestic violence as well as presentations, articles, and other relevant resources on the topic…The purpose of this collection is to: 1) increase knowledge and understanding of TBI within the context of domestic violence, 2) provide tools to advocates and other professionals to screen domestic violence survivors for TBI, and 3) highlight best practices.”


10 Things Keeping Me Going Right Now

As I have mentioned (and as evidenced by a few holes in the posts over the last several weeks), I am on a ridiculous travel jag right now that has me in 12 cities over 8 weeks across all 4 continental US time zones (thankfully the international travel doesn’t begin til the Summer), military and civilian. Last week it was Dallas and DC for a combined 8 days. Tomorrow I leave for San Francisco for a week, although happily, my family will join me for a portion of that trip. I figured now was a perfect time for a new 10 Things post…


Bullying Through the Eyes of a Child

Boys and Girls Club of America is hosting a free webinar on bullying March 23rd at 2pm ET.  “This session will focus on the issue of bullying, child safety and the effects it’s having on our nation’s youth.  You will receive insight into why bullying occurs and excellent information and resources to help youth development and family strengthening professionals, as well as parents, prevent bullying in their own communities”.

Sexual Assault

Stalking and Sexual Assault

The Stalking Resource Center will be hosting a free webinar on stalking and sexual assault April 9th at 2pm ET. Be forewarned, this offering will be capped at 100 people, so if you’re interested in attending, register ASAP. “Research indicates that there is a connection between stalking and sexual assault -both pre- and post-assault…


Addressing Language Access

ReachMD has a fascinating offering over at their site on addressing language access. It’s actually a practice assessment for healthcare professionals, and the objectives include:

  1. Identify three reasons why we should work to bridge language barriers when communicating with our patients
  2. List five ways to improve our ability to communicate with limited English speaking patients including how to work with trained or untrained interpreters, and
  3. Identify available resources to make our practices more friendly for limited English speaking patients