Sexual Assault

2nd AFSA Webinar Added

For those of you who’ve asked about whether the alcohol facilitated sexual assault webinar happening tomorrow will be recorded, because you’ve been closed out of it, never fear. A 2nd session has been added for May 28th at 1pm ET. You can see all the details at our site, and register for the session here.


The Intersection Between DV and TBI

NRCDV is hosting a webinar May 25th at 2pm ET on the intersection between domestic violence and traumatic brain injury. You can register for the session here.


Mother’s Day

This is a different kind of Mother’s Day post. A tribute to all the working moms, like me, who spend more time away from their kids than we’d like. Moms who miss soccer games, and school plays and class projects because we are doing this important work, this work we love. Moms who have kids whose notion of going to work is driving to the airport. Moms who have created family rituals out of bedtime calls and webcam chats and email. And this is also a tribute to the members of our tribes that help us raise these amazing kids. The partners, extended family and excellent friends who comprise our village, and allow us to keep these crazy hours, smooth over the interrupted meals, and help explain why going to North Dakota requires an overnight stay.

I’ll be getting on a plane tonight, but not before I enjoy a leisurely brunch with 4 generations of incredible women. I hope for those of you celebrating Mother’s Day, it’s a day that feeds your soul and replenishes any empty spaces inside you. Even if your Mother’s Day only ends up being a couple hours long.


Domestic Violence Supplemental Materials

I had a great time with a terrific group of nurses and other professionals Wednesday in Indianapolis, and in the course of discussing a variety of issues related to domestic violence, I was reminded that I could post some of the resources I discussed during my talk here at FHO. So for all of you who attended, and others wanting some supplemental materials, below is an overview of some resources I frequently mention in the course of my lectures.


Our Newest Winner

Congratulations, Bonnie Wright! You are the winner of the $50 gift card. You can read Bonnie’s response after the jump:

Sexual Assault

Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault Webinar

I am pleased to announce AEquitas‘ next webinar, Investigating and Prosecuting Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault. Chris Mallios, one of our Attorney Advisors, will be presenting. The session will take place May 14th from 2-3:30 pm ET, and registration is free.

Sexual Assault

Addressing the Demand of Sex Trafficking

Last chance to to partake in our latest $50 giveaway in honor of SAAM. To enter just let us know in the original post’s Comments section how you commemorated any day during SAAM, and one inspiring aspect of the day or the event you attended. You have until May 4th to be eligible.

The Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force is hosting a two-part webinar this month, Addressing the Demand of Sex Trafficking. The featured speaker will be Rus Ervin Funk, co-founder and Executive Director of MensWork.

Sexual Assault

Law, Order and Sensitivity

I love when my worlds coincide. When unexpectedly you find colleagues from disparate parts of your life sharing the same space. Such was the case Friday, when my local NPR station hosted a show on law enforcement sensitivity. Imagine my pleasant surprise to hear both Bertina King, a detective with the Akron Police Department (the jurisdiction where my clinical practice is housed), and Kim Lonsway, Director of Research at EVAW talking with Regina Brett on her show, The Sound of Ideas.



FHO will be on hiatus through Monday because I am actually going on vacation.

See you all at Jazz Fest!


Privacy and Posting Online

There’s still time to partake in our latest $50 giveaway in honor of SAAM. To enter just let us know in the original post’s Comments section how you commemorated any day during SAAM, and one inspiring aspect of the day or the event you attended. You have until May 4th to be eligible.

NNEDV has a new one-page publication, Privacy Considerations When Posting Content Online. I have to tell you, I’m a big fan of having conversation with our staff members or colleagues on this topic right up front, as Facebook and other social media site usage becomes more and more the norm.

Sexual Assault

Dr. David Lisak and “Acquaintance Rape”

Sometimes the peril of travel is things sit in the queue and are forgotten for a few days. Like this video clip that Amanda Hess over at The Sexist posted last week of Dr. David Lisak talking to CBS about “acquaintance rape” (not a fan of the term, but better than the dreaded “date rape”). Many of you know Dr. Lisak’s work, The Undetected Rapist (see NJEP’s site to order the DVD), so I thought you might find it interesting to view this short clip, which originally aired in November, 2009.



I seem to have some gremlins on my site this week. I’ve had posts disappear and reappear, so apologies if you tried to access a post you received via email or Twitter and then couldn’t access it. I’ll try and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

Child Abuse

Preventing Child Maltreatment

The Future of Children, a collaboration of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution has an archived webcast of a panel presentation on preventing child maltreatment given last fall. The webcast is about 35 minutes long. They also produced a journal issue on this topic (Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall 2009)–details after the jump.

Elder Abuse/Neglect

Elder Abuse in NIJ Journal

I am smack in the middle of a ridiculous travel schedule–Laramie and Bismarck down for the week, up next, Chicago then New Orleans. Apologies for missing some posts, but this is how things sometimes go. 

NIJ released their newest Journal today, and I was thrilled to see an article about elder abuse featuring some of my favorite bruising research by Dr. Laura Mosqueda. You can read the full article here.

I’ll be back next week with a new clinical guide (I hope), and a few other goodies. Have a great weekend!

Sexual Assault

Victim Centered Webinars

A couple of webinars are now available as archived presentations on the topic of victim-centered sexual assault care. My good friend Kim Day who runs the SAFEta project at IAFN had a hand in both: one is Victim Centered Care (w/Laura Williams from MNCASA) and was mentioned last month. You can visit the original post to link to the playback site.

Sexual Assault

SAAM Day of Action: 10 Things On My Mind

Don’t forget about latest $50 giveaway in honor of SAAM. To enter just let us know in the original post’s Comments section how you commemorated any day during SAAM, and one inspiring aspect of the day or the event you attended. You have until May 4th to be eligible.

Today is the SAAM Day of Action, and I am happy to spend it in Wyoming with a fantastic group at their Sexual Assault Summit (IX). Among the topics I’ll be teaching today: SANE Sustainability (and I’ll post a set of slides for those of you wanting them) and Effectively Using Medical Experts and Medical Evidence in Prosecuting Sexual Assault Cases. Two of my favorite sessions to deliver for sure. Since I don’t teach for a few more hours, I figured I’d take some time to give you 10 things on my mind as I do my part to honor this day:


Canada Updates

All kinds of good new stuff in our Canada section today. Make sure you check it out!

Sexual Assault

I Never Saw His Face

It’s been a brutal week for me personally, and I don’t have much for readers today. The sustainability site has been quiet but for a grant tutorial that might be helpful. However, I do have a great audio file from The Moth that might be of interest. I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts…

I will miss many of you at EVAW next week. I’ll be in Wyoming and North Dakota with a few of my partners from AEquitas teaching at a couple conferences. This year is one of the first EVAW conferences I have missed, and I am a little bummed to be sure. Many of my friends and readers will be there–have a glass of wine for me.

It’s going to be a long weekend here in the CLE. Hope yours will be less challenging. See you all back here on Monday.


Intimate Partner Homicides

JWI‘s National Alliance to End Domestic Violence is hosting a webinar on intimate partner homicides and familicides, Wednesday, April 21st at 12pm ET. It’s $25 to attend (free, though if you’re a member). Featured speakers are Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell and Dr. David Adams.

Sexual Assault

Mechanisms of Action of Hormonal Contraception

In sexual assault care, we often provide emergency contraception to patients. But being able to explain exactly how it works is difficult, since that point remains somewhat ambiguous. Medscape has a new article posted on this subject that’s worth a read. It’s free to access once you’re registered, and it’s reprinted from the current issue of Pharmacotherapy. While it doesn’t definitively answer the ultimate question, how do they work?, the information is useful and contains specific recommendations for clinicians.