
Using GPS Technology to Monitor DV Offenders

Jewish Women International is holding a teleconference March 5th (Thursday) from 12-1pm ET: GPS Technology: An Effective Tool to Monitor High-Risk Domestic Violence Offenders.  Cost for non-members is $25 (free for members) and requires preregistration.


IBS and Abuse in Women

ReachMD is offering a free CE program on the connection between irritable bowel syndrome and abuse in women. The objective for the program is to, “understand the association between IBS and abuse, effectively interview individuals with a history of abuse, identify physical and psychological disorders suggestive of abuse, and implement strategies to manage IBS patients with a history of abuse”.


Teen Dating Violence

On February 18, 2009, at 2 p.m. (eastern time), in recognition of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week (February 2–6), the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Office for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) will present an OVC Web Forum discussion with Mitru Ciarlante and Candice Hopkins on best practices for safety planning for teen victims of dating violence.



When I sent this link to my students last weekend, I had no idea I would see it bounce back to my own in-box from so many other sources. Many of you have forwarded this link to me, so I am taking the hint and getting it posted. is a partnership between the Family Violence Prevention Fund, the Ad Council and the Office on Violence Against Women. Its goal is to raise awareness of teen digital dating abuse and features videos, stories, and an interesting section called Callout Cards.


Domestic Violence

The University of Louisville offers an online domestic violence course for physicians and nurses. Featuring Dr. William Smock, with whom many of you are familiar, the course consists of two videos and accompanying handouts. Participants can then opt to pay $25 to take the online test to receive CE credits. Total time to complete the course is estimated at approximately 3 hours.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Intimate Partner Sexual Assault

The National Judicial Education Program, part of Legal Momentum, has an online course for judges: “Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases”. Although it is clearly geared toward legal professionals, it has some great information that would be beneficial to several different disciplines. According to the website, the course provides current interdisciplinary research from law, medicine and the social sciences that is applicable to judicial decision-making and case management. The site can be treated as a course or as a resource to be consulted as needed.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Physical and Sexual Assault of Women with Disabilities

The University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery’s Center for Injury Research and Control has a series of Grand Rounds in webinar format archived on their site. One of the grand rounds from last November is Dr. Cari Casteel’s presentation: National Study of Physical and Sexual Assault of Women with Disabilities.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

VAWNet Online Learning Tools

VAWNet, one of the great sources for information on violence against women, has just published their collection of online learning tools. There is a wealth of offerings here, ranging from videos to podcasts to slide presentations. The vast majority are not specific to healthcare, but there’s great multidisciplinary information here on a spectrum of issues related to trafficking and sexual and intimate partner violence (including several I have already featured or are in my queu). If you aren’t already acquianted with the site, this is the perfect opportunity.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Spectrum of Prevention

The Spectrum of Prevention is a tool developed by the Prevention Institute to help develop strategies to prevent violence against women. It has been featured frequently as a way to mobilize communities to develop solutions to prevent sexual violence, as well as a tool for educating individuals and communities about engaging in the prevention process.


Domestic Violence and Homelessness

On February 9th, Jewish Women International’s National Alliance to End Domestic Violence is hosting a teleconference entitled, The  Impact of Our Economic Downturn on Domestic Violence and Homelessness. Featured speakers include Lynn Rosenthal from the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Mary Lauby from Jane Doe, Inc.


Intimate Partner Violence

The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is providing 1.0 CEUs for their offering: Violence Against Women: Identification, Screening and Management of Intimate Partner Violence. Of note is the fact that this one is co-authored by Dr. Jacqueline Campbell (creator of the frequently used Danger Assessment tool) and is well-resourced, with downloads that include the Abuse Assessment Screening Tool.


Danger Assessments

Since we are on the topic of IPV and Danger Assessments, professionals working with victims of intimate partner violence can complete online education for Dr. Jacqueline Campbell’s Danger Assessment. $125 will get you the online course, a posttest, certification and scoring system for the tool.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Reminder: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Tribal Communities

Just a reminder to those of you wanting to participate in the webinar on domestic violence and sexual assault in tribal communities January 22nd. You can read the full posting here for registration and participation details.


Stalking: Real Fear, Real Crime

In honor of Stalking Awareness Month, one more post on the subject. Stalking: Real Fear, Real Crime is a fantastic collaboration between Lifetime Television, the National Center for Victims of Crime, and LMNO Productions. Although it was originally produced for law enforcement, I think it’s incredibly useful for healthcare providers and other disciplines, as well (I use it as part of several courses I teach). Total run time is 18 minutes and it’s free to access.


Stalking and Technology

The Office of Victims of Crime is sponsoring a guest hosted web forum session on addressing technology and stalking. The forum will be January 21st at 2pm and no preregistration is required. From the OVC website: Join Michelle Garcia, Director of the National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center, and Cindy Southworth, Founder and Director of Safety Net: The National Safe & Strategic Technology Project, for a discussion on best practices for addressing technology and stalking.

Participants can submit questions ahead of time and view answers online in real time (although it requires repeatedly refreshing the page to see updated responses), or submit questions during the hour long session, which may or may not get answered during the period of the web forum session (but may still get answered within several days of the event). There is no fee to participate in this event.

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Tribal Communities

On January 22nd the Family Justice Center Alliance presents a webinar on domestic violence and sexual assault in tribal communities. The session will feature Leslie Hagen, Senior Counsel for SMART, Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. (If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with or learning from Ms. Hagan, I cannot recommend her highly enough.) The webinar begins at 9AM Pacific Time and will last one hour. Registration is required and space is limited–click here to register. Participation requires both a phone line and internet connection–instructions for joining in will be provided once registration is completed.

UPDATE: You can access a PDF of the presentation here; video here.


DV/IPV Recognition, Intervention & Prevention

E-leaRN Online is offering 3.6 CEUs for completion of it’s onine offering, Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: Recognition, Intervention and Prevention. This course meets the Kentucky state  requirements for domestic violence continuing education (nurses from all states are eligible, however).

Format is online article followed by a test. Cost for the course is $25.


Intimate Partner Violence and Illness

In this 8:22 minute podcast from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Michele Black, a CDC researcher, discusses the link between IPV and illness. The podcast highlights a recent CDC study and provides information about several CDC initiatives and other resources.


Screen to End Abuse

The Family Violence Prevention Fund partnered with Medscape to provide a free 1-hour continuing education activity on screening for intimate partner violence. This link will take you to the summary page, which also provides information on how to order the free Screen to End Abuse video.

In order to access the Medscape CE activity (nursing and medicine units awarded), users must first create a free log-in. Be aware that the actual title of the activity is Domestic Violence and Your Patient’s Health: Asking the Right Questions. If you do a search on the general Medscape site, however, this title will not appear; it can only be found on the MedscapeCME section of the site.


Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care is a cost effective, accessible, dynamic e-learning facility providing relevant, timely training and discussion to the domestic violence victim service provider community. Funded by OVW, a department of the U.S. Department of Justice, this facility will offer timely courses on topics, trends and issues relevant to service providers serving domestic violence victims.” This is a multi-agency collaboration and their first offering, Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care: The Traumatic Impact of Domestic Violence, is now available. Future courses include Cultural Competency and Undocumented Survivors.

Registration required for access. Certificates of completion will be available in the near future according to the site information.