DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-23-14

I’m having a tough time ramping up for my work week this morning. Could be the impending vacation (no worries, there will be [some] posts while I’m away). Could be that I was so completely productive last week I just feel like coasting a bit. Either way, the internet can be a distraction when I’m in this mindset, so I have been happily perusing all of the links I’d tucked away from the weekend. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-16-14

Did you have a fantastic weekend? We did for sure–a glorious, not-too-hot one in the DC metro area. And along with that, the awesome news that my spouse was promoted to Major, which meant some small celebrations around here (in anticipation of the big one that will come with the official ceremony next month). Still there was some down time, which almost always means being plugged in somewhere. So here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Male Sex Offenders

Over at PreventConnect they published a blog post on a new study out in Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. The article, Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Male Sex Offenders: Implications for Trauma-Informed Care, and the blog post, are both worth perusing. I’ve also added them to the ACEs Clinical Guide, along with our most recent Full-Text Friday offering and a couple other notable links. We rarely talk about offenders here (it’s not my area of specialty, but if there’s someone who would like to guest post on the topic, I am always happy to have that conversation), but that doesn’t mean there isn’t relevance in understanding the myriad impacts of adverse childhood experiences in the lives of offenders, as well as victims.

Sexual Assault

New Guide: Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault

OVC has a new online guide for responding to transgender victims of sexual assault. Bookmark it, share it with your team, use it as the basis for a great inservice discussion–all of it. There are specific implications and actions for different service providers, including medical, throughout. Much needed and I can’t wait to make my way through it.


Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence

The Family Justice Center Alliance has a webinar coming up: Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence. The session will be held June 17th from 10-11:30am PT. Click through for details:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-9-14

I spent more time plugged in this weekend than I should have. When you work for yourself it is so easy to let the left and right limits of your work day week bleed into one another. Or disappear altogether. Either way, too much time looking at a screen. Gotta work on that whole self-care thing. Either way, here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Sexual Assault

Untested Rape Kits: the Issue, the Impact, and the Response

The DNA Resource Center at NCVC is hosting a webinar, Untested Rape Kits: the Issue, the Impact and the Response. The session will be held June 10th from 1-2:30pm ET. Details after the jump:

Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note: May 2014

Man, am I tardy on this. Finally–once again here’s this (and last) month’s Articles of Note, a look at what has caught my eye from the recently published, peer-reviewed literature. There’s a lot of good stuff in this round up, so I would encourage you to peruse the abstracts. Keep in mind this isn’t a comprehensive list, just the things that interested me. Click through for the link:

Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke: Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Who schedules the start of a brand new off-site project with a steep learning curve the day after she returns from vacation? This girl. So no prolonged post today. Just want to make sure you’ve seen some of the latest on campus sexual assault, including the White House Task Force report published last week, the associated resources at the site, and the substantial NY Times article in this Sunday’s paper, Fight Against Sexual Assault Holds Colleges to Account. Google campus sexual assault and you’ll find plenty that’s been written in the past week (including this Slate article, bookmarked for my metro ride tomorrow), but this is what I’ve been working my way through since last we spoke…still catching up post-Argentina.

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4/21/14

I have had a lot of emails asking if I will be at the EVAW Conference this week in Seattle–many good friends are out there, but I will not be. I am heading to Indianapolis on Wednesday to teach some of the advanced SANE sessions at the INCASA Conference,  so I am looking forward to seeing many FHO readers there (and if we have never met, please come introduce yourself–I love meeting readers). And then I am heading to Argentina for a week of food and wine with my best friend. I will not be working (it’s 100% vacation), but I will be rerunning some of FHO’s greatest hits the week I’m gone, so the site won’t be dark. However, I *was* working a bit this weekend, and managed to do a decent amount of reading–here’s what caught my interest since last we spoke:

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Digitizing Abuse

The Urban Institute has a project, Digitizing Abuse, examining the role of technology in teen dating violence, harassment and bullying. Their project page has several articles and resources on the topic, worth a look for sure. {You can see all of the Urban Institute’s publications on crime and justice here.}

DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 4-14-14

This is my last full week in the office before vacation, save some work with the Army JAGs here in town, so I am glued to my to-do list. That being said I did manage to get some reading done this weekend (although the pull of 70+ degree weather and sunshine was irresistible), but much of it had to do with the terrible tragedy in Kansas yesterday. I know it will be part of our conversation around the Seder table tonight as we celebrate Passover, keeping the victims and their families and community in our prayers. A happy Pesach to all of you who observe. Click tghrough to check out what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Sexual Assault

Rural SART’s: What the Research Tells Us

NSVRC is hosting a webinar with featured speaker, Dr. Megan Greeson on April 15th from 3-4:30 pm ET. The topic will be Rural SARTs: What the Research Tells Us. I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Dr. Greeson in the past–I highly encourage attending. More details after the jump:

Child Abuse Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/31/14

I’m hustling today, big time. The weekend was a busy one, with my kiddo heading back to school and deadlines closing in. So a short list for you today, but still interesting. Here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/17/14

Sorry to have been absent so much last week–the one-two punch of a difficult trial and an epic migraine made the latter half of last week challenging (I have a string of four-letter expletives that’s probably more accurate and descriptive, but we’ll stick with challenging for now). However, my kid is in town and we are heading to my happy place this week (Eagle, CO) for some family time. Posts should be regular–I’m stacking them in advance, and I’ll periodically check emails if you’re looking for me. But don’t expect responses during prime ski hours. I’ll be busy:)

Speaking of vacations, in an unprecedented move I am taking time off during two consecutive months, and need some input from my well-traveled readers. Next month, my best friend and I are heading to Argentina–Buenos Aires and Mendoza specifically. If anyone has some ideas for must-see/eat/stay places, please do let me know. Off the beaten path is particularly appealing. This will be my 1st trip to South America, so I’m pretty stoked.

Anyway, let’s get back to the matter at hand–a little taste of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 3/10/14

I’m in court this week AND trying to finish off a brand new curriculum (a project I can’t wait to talk more about–just not yet), so it was a busy weekend prepping and writing. There were a few things, though, that caught my eye in moments of downtime. So here’s what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

Sexual Assault

Revisions to the UCR Definition of Rape

I just received this notice, but I’ll be on a plane when it’s scheduled (on Monday the 9th). Perhaps some of you would like to attend:


The Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced the adoption of a revised definition of rape in the Uniform Crime Report.